
- 体育館の床材を家具へと変えるプロジェクト -
From the gymnasium to our homes



Created by using premium cherry tree wood used for the gym floor of Asia’s oldest international school for over 50 years, “RED 83” reinvents wood floors into stylish furniture and goods.

As graduates of Saint Maur International School, a small yet prestigious school recognized for its commitment to education for over 140 years, we did not want the floor of our gym, where we dedicated our heart and soul to basketball and volleyball practices, to just go to waste. By collaborating with a renowned furniture store, “ACME furniture” we breathe new life into our memorable gym floor.

Named by combining our school color “RED” with part of the school’s address, “83 Yamate-cho”, “RED 83” embraces the floor’s colors and wear and tear and upcycles it into pieces of stylish furniture. For the tables, the color of the tapes used for the floors match the carefully crafted iron table legs, transforming it into tables with a sense of warmth and character.

In order to cherish our school’s history and value, we have further developed the project into a collaborative relationship, which involves the school and students in the production. We hope that by upcycling, we can bring out the best in what the material holds.

Tables and bench products are available at ACME Furniture Jiyugaoka
2-17-7 Jiyugaoka Meguro-ku Tokyo
11:00 - 20:00

Cabinet boxes and stands are available on our online store.
BLUE ON BLUE Online Store

1872年に設立したアジアで最も古い名声の高いインターナショナル・スクールの体育館で、50年以上使われてきた良質な桜材を再利用して製作したスタイリッシュな家具シリーズ「RED 83」。

「私たちの青春がつまった母校の体育館の床材をただの廃材にしたくない」という思いから産まれた商品です。ヴィンテージ・インテリア家具専門店の「ACME Furniture」とともにこのプロジェクトを走らせることになりました。





11:00 - 20:00

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